Today Armarium, the digital library of the Polish Dominicans, is pleased to announce full on-line access to all the eight volumes of „Bullarium Ordinis FF. Praedicatorum”, a monumental resource for research on the history of the Dominican Order prepared and published in the years 1729 to 1740.
Madura, Roman Fabian (1892-1989). Oprac.
Bielski, Marcin (1495-1575) Siebeneicher, Mateusz (15..-1582). Druk.
Marciniak, Kazimierz (1925-2016). Red. Instytut Tomistyczny (Warszawa).
Gillet, Martin Stanislas (1875-1951) Ordo Fratrum Praedicatorum
Wincenty Ferreriusz (św. ; ca 1350-1419) Husner, Georg (14..-1506). Druk.
Wann, Paul (1423-1489) Rynmann, Johann (14..-1522?). Nakł. Gran, Heinrich (14..-15..). Druk.
Marciniak, Kazimierz (1925-2016). Red. Instytut Tomistyczny (Warszawa).
Meffreth Ruppel, Berthold (14..-1494/95). Druk.
Agricola, Georgius (1494-1555) Froben, Hieronymus (1501-1563). Druk.
Mikołaj z Błonia ( -ca 1448) Husner, Georg (14..-1506).
Frühwirth, Andreas Franz (1845-1933) Ordo Fratrum Praedicatorum